"Memories of Christmas" was released on October 1st, 2022 and features twelve additional Don Gnecco Christmas tunes. Merry, merry!
A collection of twelve of Don Gnecco's inspiring songs, including "Love Lifts Me Up High," a finalist song in the 2018 Tipperary International Song of Peace Contest and "One Light," a finalist song in the 2006 contest. "It Takes All of Us Together" and "Lift Your Heart" were written in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lydie Koffi Omesiete gives voice to twelve songs of hope and inspiration that will lift your spirit.
The song that Sherry Allen presented in the Tipperary International Song of Peace Contest, "Touch the World," is featured on this album of inspirational songs.
Christmas songs are special to Don Gnecco, and Sherry Allen's beautiful and uplifting voice makes Christmas magical.
Don Gnecco's songs of love and inspiration come to life in this collection of thirteen uplifting melodies with important messages for all.